Thanks for your kind words regarding my experiment. Though I have not targeted the French exclusively, as a matter of fact, in the beginning, I did attempt to attract listeners to my reading. I decided for the first hundred pages, I would go to some public place, with IJ in one hand and a tennis racquet in the other. Of course, I figured, anyone "in the know" would immediately approach me, with appropriate bonhomie, and I would have an instant convert to this vibrant aural experiment. I went out about a half dozen times, to various coffee houses and a coupla bars, trying to pick ones that I figured would be frequented by hipsters and literati. In fact, NO ONE ever approached me as a "fellow traveler" - whether because they did not recognize what I was referencing or because they were IJ snobs, I do not know. In any case, in all locations, I would open my book and begin reading, out loud, taking on various character's personalities, even though at first I had no idea who the characters were or what they could possibly sound like. At appropriate times I would gesticulate with my racquet. I was yelled at several times, asked/forced to leave a coupla times, and at one bar, shoved around a bit, right before my tennis racquet was destroyed and I fled. The first hundred pages did not go well, but hey, I figured, I had 900 more to get it right!