Oh yay for this discussion!
Note on p.328: "It is not a matter of the principle of thing, ever, in Eschaton." That changed, huh, Pemulis?
"Jaysus!" So Irish, reminds me of my dear, departed grandmother.

"...let Lord let Ingersoll eliminate Eschaton's map for keeps..." Love the whole redo of the "map eliminating" theme.
A tidbit from p.202 of "Elegant Complexity": "Eschatology (from the Greek eskhatos, 'last') is Christian theology's doctrine of the Last Judgement---or what your present behaviour will earn in the future". Thanks, Greg! Ahhh, foreshadowing!
The first time I read this section, I focused on the game itself. This time, I was pissed off at the upperclassmen letting the game get so out of control (anarchy!) and allowing the less experienced (in life and in the game) Little Buddies to get hurt. Hal is in that nasty "paralytic stasis" of marijuana thinking, Struck is passed out, Pemulis, hopped up on Tenuate, lets his Irish temper get the best of him and washes his hands of the entire matter, Axford secretly enjoys Ingersoll's humiliation, and ignores the fighting to try and relight the weed. Troeltsch initially tries to stop the carnage, but yields to the Peemster's order to stay put. All the older guys are under the influence of something, be it booze, Bob or 'drines, that possibly (probably?) affects their ability to deal rationally with the situation unfolding in front of them.
Contrast this situation to Gately's handling of his crisis situation outside Ennet House later on in the book (for those who've read it).