I wrote a bit about this in a post and a number of people PM'd me about it, so I figured I'd post a topic.
For those of you interested in Dostoevsky, and particularly how he's related to Wallace, there's a very interesting article out there you might want to check out. It's called "The Brothers Incandenza" by Timothy Jacobs, and consists of an analysis of IJ, the Brothers, and Wallace's essay in Consider the Lobster titled "Josef Frank's Dostoevsky" (also "Feodor's Guide" in previous publications). Basically besides really spectacular analysis of IJ, the Brothers, and the two together, Jacobs argues for the strong connection between the two writers/philosophers, and how they are essentially pushing the same ideas (This is Water).
Anyway the article isn't online or in bookstores, but can be accessed via a University Library. Info here:
http://muse.jhu.edu/login?uri=/journals ... acobs.html.
The good news is, I have it saved to my computer. So if you don't feel like going down to the University you can just PM me with your email address and I'll send it to you.
Happy reading!