Infinite Summer

Half-way Props to Matthew, the Guides, Guests, Forum Posters
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Author:  paris [ Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Half-way Props to Matthew, the Guides, Guests, Forum Posters

As we hit the p.490 mark, half-way by my count, I just want to say a big 8-) Thank You! 8-) to all you people who've worked so hard, and so consistently, to make this such a terrific experience. Both on IS and at the indy-blogs, the quality of analysis is awesome, the good cheer and humor gives me more smiles in any given day than I'm used to, and I feel I've got a whole new set of really smart and cool friends. And I'm reading one of the superest-funnest books of my life.

Author:  EverybodyHurts [ Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Half-way Props to Matthew, the Guides, Guests, Forum Posters

My sentiments exactly. I'm enjoying the experience of reading this book with all of you so much. So thanks! :mrgreen:

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