Infinite Summer

How many IJ books do you own?
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Author:  caroldelucia [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  How many IJ books do you own?

Don't mean to hog the list but I am very curious. I own 5 IJ.
One for home.. One that is torn up for each section during a
Wallace list read... One in my office.. one in my car. and one in my country house and it's on kindle.. So 6 copies! i have to have it near me at all times..
It and Murakami's books I like to have so I never feel alone or uncentered. Not that I'm that centered...
Peace to you guys.. Carol

Author:  EverybodyHurts [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many IJ books do you own?

Five, no! Six! Heh. Reminds me of the Spanish Inquisition sketch from Python. :D
I have my paperback copy, that's happily getting to look a bit worn, and a copy on my Blackberry for dire emergencies when I don't have the book with me.
I'm still a noob, obviously. ;)

Author:  redsock [ Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many IJ books do you own?

7, but I have owned 9.

2 copies of 1st edition hardcover (incorrect "Vollman"); one signed
1st edition hardcover (corrected "Vollmann")
Back Bay paperback, my 1st copy, heavily marked-up; reading copy
Abacus UK paperback edition
Uncorrected Advance Proof - signed
10th anniversary paperback

I thought I had a 2nd signed 1st edition hardcover, but I may have given it away when my wife gave me the one listed above (not remembering I had one already). I also had a book club paperback (with the hard cover art) that I cut up into smaller pieces for easier transport way back when. I don't think I have that anymore.

And I have resisted buying the Italian and German translations .. so far. :ugeek:

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