Skylight Books is having 2 gatherings!
Part 1: TONIGHT August 4th at 8pm Cheerleading Party
For anyone who loves Infinite Jest or who is taking part in the mass reading of it for Infinite Summer, we will be offering the store as a meeting place to find kindred DFW fans. We won't be leading a discussion per se -- the point is to put lots of IJ readers in the same room and see what happens. Maybe we'll talk about the book. Maybe we'll vent about how heavy it is to lug around. Maybe we'll play "cartridges." Maybe we'll break into a spontaneous game of tennis. Who knows? All of our staff members that evening either have read or are currently reading Infinite Jest! For this one, we're working on some sort of beverage to share and some way to enable spontaneous things. All you have to do is show up!
Part 2: Tuesday, September 22nd at 8pm DFW Celebration
The second gathering will be on the projected end date of Infinite Summer. This one will be a celebration to commend you on your achievement, and to raise our glasses to DFW on his achievement. We are still hashing out some of the details on this -- I'm open to suggestions if you all have any. We are hoping to have DFW's agent Bonnie Nadell, Michael Silverblatt (of KCRW's Bookworm), David Ulin of the LA Times, and some more. (None are official yet -- don't go quoting me just yet). We are planning on offering discounts on books over 800 pages and perhaps we'll ask people to share some of their favorite passages or reflections. And there will, of course, be refreshments, preferably the kind that have bubbles. One way or another, it will be a party.
Anyone with questions can e-mail me at
emily@skylightbooks.comAlso, check out the store website Events tab for more info: