"Difficulty putting thoughts into words; speaks in halting phrases; leaves sentences incomplete; stutters under stress; mispronounces long words, or transposes phrases, words, and syllables when speaking."
We have a lot of dyslexia in my family. My dyslexic sis, very intelligent and successful in business, transposes words and phrases all the time. I find it cute and quirky, but I know it is an embarrassment to her, makes her feel uneducated and stupid.
Dyslexia is a fairly amorphous and wide ranging diagnosis. Most people think of it as only a reading and writing disorder, but there are also auditory and motor symptoms. Most people don't have them all. In my family, most of the symptoms are auditory in nature which is why I recognized them in Gately.
In IJ, I think Gately's academic failure pre-dates the drug use and if fact causes it to some degree. Gately was drinking and acting wild with his football buddies, but it wasn't until he got kicked off the team for academic failure that his drug use really took off.