I'm on 375. I want to just blast through it, but I also don't like waiting to talk about my favorite bits (Like Eschaton! Best. Scene. Ever.), so I've decided to just toe the line rather than race ahead. I've found it helpful to have collections of short stories or essays handy.* That way I can read both IJ and Book X in short little bursts without having to remember too much or getting things mixed up. On a completely unrelated note, DFW's use of foot-/endnotes has been a revelation to me. I've basically been doing the same thing in my writing, except I've been using parentheses instead. However, I've always thought that while I like the parenthetical info and wanted to keep it, it nevertheless messed up the flow of the story. I never considered using foot-/endnotes in fiction, but it seems like the perfect answer to my problem. Yet I must wonder, is it cool to copy this bit of style, or would it be considered derivative? I'd very much like to hear any opinions on this.
*I just finished Batman & Philosophy, which wasn't as fun as I thought it would be, and am now giving myself an aneurysm trying to decide between Oliver Sacks's Musicophilia or Poe's collected works--anyone want to help me choose? lol
_________________ "It is easy to put on a show & be cocky. . . Or I can show you some really fancy movement. But to express oneself honestly, not lying to oneself. . . now that, my friend, is very hard to do." --Bruce Lee