Infinite Summer

Formed in the summer of 2009 to read David Foster Wallace's masterwork "Infinite Jest".
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 Post subject: What are you going to do with your book when this is over?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:04 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:45 am
Posts: 3
My book is pretty ratty now, I spilled water on it, multiple highlight marks, tears, etc. I will probably read the book again at some point, but I do have that urge that people talk about wanting to pass on the book to MAKE someone else read it.

So, are you keeping the book to read it again? Have it on your shelf as a testament to this summer's project? Or are you passing it on, and if so, who is getting the book and why?

I'm passing it on to my 18 year old stepson, who has just moved from home to start an Americorps like program in a big city far from home. He's looking forward to the first year of his life where he can read only for pleasure and I have to figure out how to make it not seem as a school assignment...

 Post subject: Re: What are you going to do with your book when this is over?
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:46 am 

Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:51 am
Posts: 43
My book is an absolute wreck. I folded over pages, underlined passages, underlined words, and wrote in the margins. I have urged friends to read IJ, but I won't lend out my copy. I have bought used books in which the previous owner had highlighted or underlined words or paragraphs, and it was very distracting; I had to struggle to concentrate on what the original text had been.

I am going to put the book in my bookshelves; right now, it is still on my reading table because I'm reading it again. I know I will return to it time and again.

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