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Infinite Summer • View topic - The Future of Infinite Summer (or: Join the Tunnel Club)

Infinite Summer

Formed in the summer of 2009 to read David Foster Wallace's masterwork "Infinite Jest".
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 Post subject: Re: The Future of Infinite Summer (or: Join the Tunnel Club)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:04 am 

Joined: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:48 am
Posts: 61
Though it's been ages since being sub-14 membership in The Tunel Club would certainly appeal to me. :ugeek:

 Post subject: Re: The Future of Infinite Summer (or: Join the Tunnel Club)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:03 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:04 am
Posts: 25
I've benefited from a few of IS's member's informal and ad hoc primers on post-modern philosophical theories like deconstruction, lacanian psychology, structuralism, etc. Perhaps we ought to consider interlarding our 'regular' reading with books like Tolstoy's "What is Art?" and any good Critical Lit Theory books that the smarter and better educated of our members might recommend.

 Post subject: Re: The Future of Infinite Summer (or: Join the Tunnel Club)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:05 am 

Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:48 am
Posts: 59
Location: Orlando, FL
Copy of my comments from the main page - having learned that not everybody reads and posts in both the forums and the main post comment sections!

Absolutely in! My preference would be the big, intimidating, hard to finish, etc., and not necessarily PoMo. There are several that I’ve either tried and couldn’t finish (Gravity’s Rainbow), or just never attempted (Ulysses) that I would really love to do in this format. I’m game for 2666, Pale Fire, Brothers Karamazov and certainly think we have to do The Pale King when it’s published. I like the idea of somehow tying the choices into DFW, but don’t need to read just his works. IS has convinced me to read everything he’s written (been reading some essays and This is Water as we’ve moved through IJ).

I’m in the camp of not including the smaller books in between, I have a sense that a lot of us here are pretty voracious readers and will tend to be picking up smaller ones along the way anyway. Of course, if it does end up going that way we can always pick and choose which ones we get involved with.

And but so, having given my 2 cents, I have to agree with others (on the main page comments) – no democracy! Art by committee just won’t work. I think you can take all of the suggestions here and in the couple of other forum threads that have discussed this and look at what it’s possible for you to do, Matthew et al. You’ve done a fantastic job with this so far!

I’m also all for pitching in a few bucks to buy the guides a beer for playing along. I’ve truly appreciated their comments and really like that they have also struggled. That might be one of the reasons they encourage us so much – we can Identify!


 Post subject: Re: The Future of Infinite Summer (or: Join the Tunnel Club)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:22 am 

Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:10 am
Posts: 1
Here's my two cents:

Many, many people have quit reading IJ during the allotted time frame—and likely won't return. In my group, there are only two of us still reading (both of us have MAs in English lit).

That said, be wary about the books picked. If IJ turned people off because it's difficult, it's almost laughable that others will finish Gravity's Rainbow or Ulysses. I can already see people slamming the latter shut as they read "Ineluctable modalities of the visible."

I guess what I'm saying is: who is IS for? For the layman? For the ubereducated? That should help with your book choice(s).

Rather than supply a list of books to read here, I vote for a nice balance in size. Perhaps follow IJ with something under 300 pages. Perhaps only do one large book (1,000+ pages or there roundabout) a year.

Anyway, the process through IJ has been terrific. You've done an amazing job of organizing this adventure. Much luck in the future.

 Post subject: Re: The Future of Infinite Summer (or: Join the Tunnel Club)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:59 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:08 pm
Posts: 24
Being a public educator my reading is usually pretty light from Sept. through the middle of June. Some nagging guilt about spending an extended amount of time reading for leisure when there are stacks of ungraded essays staring at me. So I would vote for holding off on the mammoth tomes until the summer. I will say I have enjoyed this experience and have found it to be rewarding and motivating and would look to continue participating even if it were only a seasonal occurence.

 Post subject: Re: The Future of Infinite Summer (or: Join the Tunnel Club)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:53 am 

Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:42 am
Posts: 75

 Post subject: Re: The Future of Infinite Summer (or: Join the Tunnel Club)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:42 am 

Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:48 am
Posts: 59
Location: Orlando, FL

 Post subject: Re: The Future of Infinite Summer (or: Join the Tunnel Club)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:15 am 

Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:08 am
Posts: 48
Sure, but can we pick books that are at least, in the spirit of David Foster Wallace, *sincere*? I know this is somewhat subjective, but Wallace had valid bones to pick with quite a few of his postmodern peers, because their writing was dead, so to speak. (That's the problem I have with Pynchon: what's behind it?)

I don't know how to go about Identifying those books that are more than the sum of their parts (or their "moments," if you will), but I'm fairly sure we can use the collective wisdom of all those who have stuck it out here and kept coming to find books that aren't just notorious, but are actually worthwhile, on a more than intellectual level.

 Post subject: Re: The Future of Infinite Summer (or: Join the Tunnel Club)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:58 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:52 pm
Posts: 1
I would love to be part of this if it keeps going. If it stays DFW-centric, so much the better. (I loved A Supposedly Fun Thing... but this is my second try at IJ and I would have failed without Infinite Summer.)

I'd prefer that long, difficult works stick to the summer. I have more time to read then and stuff like IJ is not conducive to public transport. Though I'd love to read House of Leaves again (he had me at the last line of the introduction).

 Post subject: Re: The Future of Infinite Summer (or: Join the Tunnel Club)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:13 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:11 am
Posts: 6

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