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Infinite Summer • View topic - This board is like a crisis intervention specialist!!

Infinite Summer

Formed in the summer of 2009 to read David Foster Wallace's masterwork "Infinite Jest".
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 Post subject: This board is like a crisis intervention specialist!!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:44 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:26 pm
Posts: 44
Location: Shippensburg, Pa
I cant tell you how many times I felt lost with this board and wanted to say
screw it" only to come on here and read a post that clarifies things for me. It reminds me of when the man with the bullhorn talks down a jumper right at the edge.

Halfway there

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 Post subject: Re: This board is like a crisis intervention specialist!!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:47 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:01 pm
Posts: 82
Location: Mansfield, MA
I'm appreciating the insightful comments from many posters here and also on the various IS blogs out there in cyberland. Excellent stuff.
Sometimes a topic gets posted several times or similar questions are asked on different threads in the forums, but it's all good and I'm enjoying visiting here nightly.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you." DFW

 Post subject: Re: This board is like a crisis intervention specialist!!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:47 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:45 am
Posts: 47
I would say, in this vein, it's more like an AA meeting.

 Post subject: Re: This board is like a crisis intervention specialist!!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:58 am 

Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:08 am
Posts: 48
Funny you should compare this board to an AA meeting. I took Geoffrey Day's comments pretty literally (footnote 90), and while I know he's just describing a catch-22 logic loop that he hopes will lead to his expulsion from the Ennet House (so that he won't have to detox, but also won't have to blame himself for not doing so), I think there's something to the thought that we're *all* addicts--that is, we should all be in AA (or some form of Anonymous). The idea of us all being linked through something, especially for the atheist in me, is profound; we are linked through our humanity, and saved through our empathy. Let this board be our Humanity Anonymous, then.

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