Infinite Summer

Formed in the summer of 2009 to read David Foster Wallace's masterwork "Infinite Jest".
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 Post subject: Himself's many, many surgical operations (pg 30-31)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:06 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:16 pm
Posts: 86
Location: North Dakota
Hadn't seen any comments about this, so I thought I'd get a thread going about something I completely missed the first time I read IJ. My guess is that I was in DFW shock of sorts, IJ being the first DFW thing I ever read, so this passage didn't even register for me until the second time I went through the book (new readers, if you reread this book, you'll suspect that it's like the Neverending Story...a book that's never the same book, "That wasn't in there the first time I read, I swear!!" kind of freakiness). Ok so the passage is this:

Himself speaking to Hal (bottom of 30, top of 31): 'that you quote-unquote "complimentary" Dunlop widebody tennis raquets' super-secret-formulaic composition materials of high-modulus-graphite-reinforced poly carbonate polybutylene resin are organochemically identical I say again identical to the gyroscopic balance sensor and mise-en-scene appropriation card and priapistic-entertainment cartridge implanted in your very own towering father's anaplastic cerebrum after his cruel series of detoxifications and convolution smoothings and gastrectormy and prostatectomy and pancreatectomy and phalluctomy...'

To get right down to the tacks that are brass, WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS GUY?!?!?!

Someone (apologies for not giving proper credit) mentioned elsewhere in the discussion pages that this passage may have a direct relation to fn. 24's film It Was A Great Marvel That He Was in the Father Without Knowing Him (pg 992)

I'd like to direct you to Insubstantial Country on pg 992 as well. Its relevance is self-evident (let me know if I'm abusing phrases...I write without knowing).

Ok, I've said enough for now.


 Post subject: Re: Himself's many, many surgical operations (pg 30-31)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:48 am 

Joined: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:45 am
Posts: 21
I don't have the text, but there's also a reference to Himself working with Hal in the basement to build the perfect tennis player.

Like father like son?

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