Infinite Summer

C.T. / Claudius?
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Author:  Sal Paradise [ Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  C.T. / Claudius?

In a novel that has so many allusions to Hamlet, has anyone seen C.T. as a stand in for Claudius? My real point is, I believe it is possible that C.T. may have murdered Himself and staged it as a suicide. Similar to Claudius, after Himself's death, C.T. almost instantly usurps the role of Headmaster of E.T.A., moves into Himself's quarters and seems to be sexually / romantically involved with Avril. All of these are parrallel actions to what Claudius does after murdering King Hamlet.

Author:  MikePemulis [ Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: C.T. / Claudius?

Yeah, I made that connection and I've seen a few other mentions around.

I don't know if I'd go as far as to say Tavis killed J.O.I though. I'm not sure the allusion has to be that precise.

Author:  illogicaljoker [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: C.T. / Claudius?

I think having the Master in his head (or the Father within the Son) might have just finally been too much for him, especially when he stopped diluting reality with alcohol. I also don't think Tavis was smart enough, let alone motivated enough, to kill J.O.I. (Remember, Tavis already ran the school, with James's more-or-less blessing, as he subsumed himself in drink and films.)

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