I think this is strictly a second time reader type of discussion thread. I have to say that as a beginner, the reason it isn't as important to look at the Hamlet similarities is that I don't see the benefit of it.
The question to me is why would DFW want to reference it? What purpose could it serve? What themes is he trying to illuminate? What plot structure is he playing with and why would he want to play with it? He has to comment in some way about the Hamlet story, say something new about it through Infinite Jest.
So for beginners, Hamlet might be a little dangerous. It would function for us more as a "Cliffs Notes" guide to the book, i.e., we don't know what's going on, but maybe if we can connect to something in an already established piece of literature, we'll know what he's getting at.
A beginner reader like me just hasn't read enough to apply the Hamlet references in a real productive way.