Oh yeah, and also part of Gately's fever dream on pg.934:
"He dreams he's with a very sad kid and they're in a graveyward digging some dead guy's head up and it's really important, like Continental-Emergency important ... the sad kid is trying to scream at Gately that the important thing was buried in the guy's head and to divert the Continental Emergeny to start digging the guy's head up before it's too late, but the kid moves his mouth but nothing comes out [I guess the DMZ effects are in full swing by now], ... the sad kid holds something terraible up by the hair and makes the face of somebody shouting in panic: Too Late." Of course, if we're to take this at face value, he is dreaming of events to come."
Could this be a clue about what happens to Hal? Perhaps his finding the entertainment "too late."
Also, what ever happened to those super strong pills Pemulis got from the Antitoi shop?