re: anti-aesthetic (late J.O.I career) -- seems more likely to refer to his general turn towards "anti-aesthetic" artistic gestures like unproducible films, films that are practical jokes on audiences, etc, rather than as a reference to her appearance. Could refer to both, but doesn't feel that way to me.
re: her early conversation with Gately, what I love about that conversation is how both of them are playing a game of "would you believe me if I told you the truth?" The game can go both ways, but I enjoy it more if she is telling the truth, knowing full well that Gately is gonna think she is just fucking with him.
re: Orin leaving her, it seems highly possible that this character of such utterly odd psychic takes on his relationships flees because not able to handle either the increasing (albeit non-sexual) intimacy between JOI and Joelle or the guilt-or-sheer-weirdness of having ducked the acid thrown by Joelle's dad, thus putting her in harms way, whether she also dodged the acid or not (not to mention the fact that it was starting to look like her family had pretty F***ed up parent-child dynamics, which was the last thing Orin would want in a girlfriend while descending into increasing weirdness in his own family.
Yep, I just personally get a richer experience out of believing her to be unscarred under the veil.